K-Horn & APEC

 Prepared by Peter Lichang Kuo


The most important annual festival of APEC begins this week. Political and economic leaders from 21 economy bodies will gather in San Francisco, USA to discuss the theme of the 2023 Leaders' Meeting: "Creating a Resilient and Sustainable Future for All".

On this November 3, former US President Barack Obama held a  forum in Chicago and appeared in person to speak on "Remarks on Economic Justice" and encourage innovation of technology for building a new economic system.

Obama's "Remarks on Economic Justice"

Recall that APEC CEO Summit 2011 held in Hawaii, President Obama was the host. He mentioned that "Yokohama Vision" of APEC 2010, hoping to realize a "Multilateral Trading System" (a trading system that can involve multiple countries) and rebuild the global economy after the unprecedented financial crisis. Looking back today, the Vision has been attained one by one.

The Author at APEC in Yokohama, Japan

When the United States gained the right of hosting the APEC 2023, there was a statement issued to mention that the U.S. Department of Commerce and the USTR will work with partners to formulate a new economic framewrok that would focus on "trade facilitation, digital economy standards and technologies, flexible supply chains, carbon reduction and clean energy, infrastructure and labor standards" and other issues that are critical to the future will set common goals. Moreover, the establishment of an "AI Security Control System" and "Cross-border Privacy Rule" (CBPR) and new “Cross-Border Tax” (CBT) in addition to enhance the “Social Responsibility Investment”(SRI), the above are all topics discussed at this APEC CEO Summit.

Due to the foreseeing of an economic plague in the future, K-Horn Science Inc. (KSI) accepted the Calling from heaven and established a social enterprise "SEL" (Sanhornic Enterprise Ltd.) in Taiwan since 1986 to create employment opportunities as an entry point of resolving the jobless problem. Meanwhile, brought a Gift called "The eStore System" (TES) to the world, hoping to create a great number of new job opportunities through "innovative industries" to avoid an economic catastrophe.

In 1989, when we announced "Developing RF Transmitter" (A Converter for information exchange) in the Economic Daily News and Commercial Times, there was also a little-known international political news – that was, Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke initiated to found an emerging international organization—  "Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation"—in short as "APEC"; and Taiwan, a top economic star of the world, was one of the first states to be invited to join.

Later, when interviewing President Lee Teng-Hui, he restored the truth of history and said that "In 1989, Australia came to invite us to participate in APEC, and South Korea immediately came to express the 'Chinese Communist Party's objection'!" Nevertheless, After two years of hard work, Taiwan finally took part in the APEC with Hong Kong and China at the same time in 1991. President Lee said: "When I reviewed the situation, if we did not join APEC as soon as possible, Taiwan would miss a major opportunity to participate in international affairs. Therefore, there were many unavoidable reasons——"

To explain “TES” for President Lee Teng-Hui

As expected, the GDP of APEC has grown from less than “USD 20 trillion” up fast like surge to more than “USD 60 trillion”; accounting for more than two-thirds of the world's GDP. It is also leading the development of the technological economy in the 21st century and is still in the ascendant.

The Status of APEC Economies

God gave a sign to Linda Din-- a Taiwanese woman, to embrace the ideal of ​​"Universal Concern" and make good use of KSI's abundant resources to implement the new "Tech-Economic System" (TES)-- an invention of e-commerce system. We must appreciate APEC, an open international communication platform, then Linda was able to submit her invention as a private sector on the stage of APEC to those expert representatives from various economies and OECD/ UN. TES which really made seamless connection between two centuries of industries to be possible. The seamless connection has created many new entrepreneurs and TES is also known as "the best practice of guiding the entrepreneurship".

The Framework of New Tech-Economic System

In January 1998, K-Horn Science Inc. sponsored the “APEC Technomart II" to be exhibited in Taipei, brought new horizons and thinking directions to the country people, enterprises, government, academia and research circles. At the same time, the establishment of "EI" (Economic Institute) was initiated through an Expert Consultation Conference to foster the trained consultants as seed mentors to assist companies the necessary knowledge and skills they lack as they exporting.

K-Horn sponsored the “APEC Technomart II"

In September 1998, Linda Din, the President of K-Horn Science Inc. stood on the stage of APEC to introduce the new “Tech-Economic System” which we invented, and won the result of "Steering the E-Commerce", and urged the economies started the construction of related infrastructures to work ahead.

Invitation to be a Speaker at APEC 1998

Because one year after the financial crisis, the economies poured a large amount of money to fill the abyss, but found that the improves were limited. I was invited to contribute the way of "Rebuilding the Global Economy" at APEC CEO Summit 2009 in Singapore, so I specially advocated that "IIA-TES"--Invest in America for the economic stimulus, included a plan to create "1.892 million job opportunities". After the APEC Summit, President Obama responded that establishing the "Export Promotion Cabinet" on March 11 of 2010.

President Obama signed an “Executive Order” on March 11, 2010, detailing the government's efforts to support “2 million new jobs” by promoting new exports and directing the strengthening of federal government coordination efforts to promote exports. To ensure the effectiveness of U.S. export promotion activities through high-level coordination, Obama ordered the following measures:

1) An "Export Promotion Cabinet" was created to ensure that export promotion is a priority for all relevant cabinet agencies and that export promotion activities are integrated into a wide range of government programmes.

2) Relaunching “the President’s Export Council” (PEC): The PEC has served as the principal private sector advisory committee on international trade. It advises the President of government policies and programs that affect U.S. trade performance; promotes export expansion; and provides a forum for discussing and resolving trade-related challenges among the business, industrial, agricultural, labor, and government sectors.

3) Sponsoring “the U.S. Trade Mission" to allow senior U.S. officials and businesses to have direct access to export opportunities and assist in the marketing of U.S. goods, agricultural products, and services.

4) The Department of Commerce launched a new "Public-Private Partnership" (PPP) to provide enterprises with support on how to proactively expand their customer base into the global market.

5) The U.S. Trade and Development Administration (USTDA) launched the "International Business Partnership Program", inviting 250 to 300 senior procurement officials from more than 20 countries and economies to the United States to meet with U.S. companies who are seeking to enter emerging markets.

6) Secretary Clinton has directed U.S. ambassadors to emphasize the strategy of  “Commercial Diplomacy” in their work. The State Department will also require: “Embassies to create Senior Visitor Business Liaisons to manage country advocacy efforts; and launch a program that sends U.S. Ambassadors around the U.S. to discuss export opportunities in their countries of assignment.”

7) President Obama proposed to increase the export promotion program funds for fiscal year 2011 by USD134 million. This fund will be used to "hire 325 trade experts" to provide advice to potential U.S. exporters, to compensate for lack of knowledge, experience and resources needed to enter new markets. (Coinciding with the EI initiated by K-Horn)

8) Creating "One-Stop Export Promotion Shops" to provide potential exporters with a comprehensive service toolkit, from financing options to export consulting to markets, to provide support to exporters in every U.S. state and 168 countries.

9) U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Ambassador Ron Kirk will continue to vigorously enforce the trade rights of U.S. companies under the trade agreements. Meanwhile, USTR will pursue negotiations in the "Trans-Pacific Partnership" (TPP) to develop a broad-based, high-standard 21st century trade agreement in the fastest growing region--APEC in the world, and then moving forward with the pending Free Trade Agreements at an appropriate time.

10) “Export Control System Reform” to enhance national security and the competitiveness of key U.S. industries; strengthen national security by implementing strict controls on the export of key technologies and products, while strengthening U.S. critical manufacturing by simplifying regulations applicable to exports industry competitiveness.

Originally, U.S. exporters need to file with the Department of Commerce to conduct technical reviews before exporting "Encryption Products" (e.g., a cell phone or a network storage system). The original review time of "30-60 days" will be reduced to "30 minutes" -- this proposal rule is designed to replace the current review and wait process with a more efficient one-time notification and shipment process that will continue to ensure the information required for U.S. national security requirements while promoting U.S. exports and innovation in new products and technologies. The above measures start immediately!

In January 2009, after Obama took office as president, he comprehensively implemented an economic recovery plan to revive the US economy, which coincided with our initiative of "IIA-TES" (Invest in America for the economic stimulus). During his presidential term, Every measure has achieved good results. On November 3 of 2023, Obama said when discussing economic justice: "Economic injustice comes from 'autocracy' and 'corruption' ----" This is an area that urgently needs correction.

At the meeting in New York in this September, participants discussed about the “digital tools” which mentioned at APEC 2022, and recall that one of our invention--“Cashless System”--also known as "the Best Practice" that Linda Din proposed “Global Channel-TES” officially at APEC 2003, the  system has created a transaction volume of up to two-thirds of APEC's GDP, achieved economic activities and provided public services during the pandemic of COVID-19, and its outstanding contributions to all are obvious .

However, if KSI’s global resources had not been poured into the purposes of “Public Welfare”—socially responsible investment (SRI); and if President Lee Teng-hui had not joined APEC against all odds, perhaps everyone would still have to buy a ticket to take the MRT today. Because God only gives you a revelation, and you still have to work hard to implement the rest, so that you can have something visible and use it as a "digital tool", and it can be used far and wide.

Searching for the products of K-Horn Science Inc. online, there is an "RF Modulator" -- because in the early years, 3C products required this key component.

K-Horn’s product “RF Modulator”

Based on this RF modulator, we have sufficient knowledge and technological energy to develop the "RF Transmitter" to facilitate the conversion of information “without contact" - -hence the name "Contactless-Tech". RF Transmitter aka "Toller".

Contactless TranSmart Chip Card & Its Toller

Toller is the idiom of "Transaction Reading Device" (TRD), because it is better to call it than TRD; the overall volume is slightly larger than a business card box --so it can be installed in various occasions of transaction checkout and identification. Not to mention the high complexity of the structure, just the choice of "RS232" for its input/output (I/O) took a lot of effort. Later people used it to make profits--it is really like air and "common people use it every day and don't know it". Therefore, The meeting in New York has already mobilized three sectors to develop feasible plans for the future, and must realize the original intention when it was invented -- "Let all participants take benefit together" (Kuo, 2022: 271) -- the original intention is same as the theme of APEC CEO Summit 2023.

Structure Diagram of Toller (Invention Patent # US6304796)

The "Power Chip Module" (PCM) is a tiny dynamic generator, which among the structure of Toller that will be a development direction of the "New Energy Initiative 2035". Although, this year's conference in the APEC still inevitably talks about "artificial intelligence" (AI) and "clean energy", they all require new thinking in PCM. But when I was asked for my opinion before the meeting, I still expressed  "Anti-Corruption is the first priority" as I had discussed in previous years, because corruption can fabricate false information, causing the original "good deeds" to be distorted, and the hard work to be in vain.

God loves the world, so in every generation he sends His servants into the world—such as Michael Faraday, Thomas Edison and others. God also sent His servants to the world in the 20th century, but they failed to do so. Therefore, a woman who called herself "The Daughter of A National Defense Employee " was found to supervise, and the long list of inventions had been attained in TES - -such as “Power Chip/ Contactless-tech/ Cashless TranSmart Chip Card and its Reading Device (Toller)/ RF Transmitter/ TSCM/ ICT/ Control Center/ VAM & eStore/ Interphone/ ATM/ Security Entrance Devices/ ETC/ Micro Business/ 3C/ EC/ SRI and etc to bring it to the world for the people. However, no matter how beneficial such tech-industry is to the world, it is still no match for the ravages of "corruption entities".

The "Daughter of A National Defense Employee" who was very proud of to claim that "I would not die as a volunteer of Taiwan," but she was besieged by the entities of corruption, and was threatened as : "We won't let you live past 2004!" She was beaten until she fell to the ground at the end of 2004 and almost died to see Hades. In order to survive from the wicked corruption, I had to give up many valuable things and take care of Linda 24 hours a day until she was resurrected from the dead. When the 2006 APEC Leaders Meeting wanted to know the progress of TES invented by "Linda Din", also a speaker who won the best practice of APEC 2003, the island's corruption tried its best to hinder it. Nevertheless, a voice said: "Follow me, you can go anywhere!" So I passed through many obstacles and arrived in Hanoi to attend the APEC CEO Summit 2006.

When the political and economic leaders of the economies heard the provider of the best practice experienced such difficult situation on the island, they unanimously said: "You're persecuted by your government!" In addition to saying "bizarre," everyone said that "We must be alert to the dangers of corruption;" especially the representative of Peru who actively expressed: "Anti-corruption should be included in the Lima APEC Declaration!" Furthermore, we were classified as "non-governmental person", K-Horn has been listed as a Pathfinder in the "third sector" due to its social responsibility investment and outstanding achievements in social enterprises.

Sure enough, Peru established the "Lima Anti-Corruption Declaration" at APEC CEO Summit 2008, which clearly pointed out "Combating Corruption in the Region" and believed that corruption exists in both the public and private sectors. These sectors are serious threats to the society and economic development of the region. Until Peru hosted APEC again in 2016, they reiterated the importance of the Lima Anti-Corruption Declaration and encouraged all economies to implement key anti-corruption actions, paying special attention to bribery of domestic and foreign public officials, and they agreed to leverage their collective will to combat corruption and related transnational illicit networks by promoting clean government, supporting public-private partnerships, fostering market integrity, and transparent financial systems. They recognized that the criminalization of corruption can facilitate greater regional cooperation, and encouraged effective participation-- including effective enforcement through the mechanism of “APEC Anti-Corruption Authorities and Law Enforcement Agencies” (ACT-NET).

ACT-NET was submitted to the United Nations and attracted attention. "UNCAC" (United Nations Convention against Corruption) finally approached the island authorities, but so far there has been no improvement because the original intention of TES is still constrained by the corruption, so the meeting of three sectors in New York have discussed solutions. Recently, Obama said at the Chicago Forum: "Economic injustice comes from 'autocracy' and 'corruption'----"

"K-Horn Science" is an "Incubator" founded in the name of God, and he was known as the father of Taiwan's incubator in the 1990s. I took 12 years by using the reserved global resources of "K-Horn Science Inc." to bring the long list of TES inventions to the world. Afterwards, I made much efforts to through the stages of "inform-recognize-accept" to expect achieving the common prosperity. Every time I explain, I always mentioned that "This is 'social responsibility investment' (SRI), an investment that responds to social dilemma without asking for returns, just hoping that 'everyone has a job and every family has bread'!" Although it has contributed to the most important tech-industry in the 21st century; however, we've been besieged by corruption to fall eating grass like cattle for twenty years. It can be seen that corruption will cause good deeds to be wasted and mislead the world to develop in the wrong direction.

When I founded Cheng-Kuang Precision Industrial Co., Ltd. in 1974, all new products developed were completed "within a week." Later in 1984, Mattel Inc. which is famous for the Barbie Dolls, spent haff an year trying to solve the problem of machine operation, I only took "one day" to make the machine run automatically and smoothly. Either 12 or 20 years, if you use it for "self-benefit", you will get much wealth. But for the new industries of the 21st century, we still have to obey God's Will and make social responsibility investment, hoping to create a "W-shaped Society" with triple-win for "people/ business/ government". Due to Kevin asked me about "JUSTICE" at APEC CEO Summit, I thus wrote this specifically "W-shaped Society" answered his question.

"W-shaped Society" with triple-win for "people/ business/ government"

In the name of God, K-Horn not only incubated the social enterprise "SEL", but also incubated the tech-enterprise "PCI" to implement the long list of inventions proposed by APEC. Furthermore, the incubation of holding company "PCH" which expected to make full use of the resources of the international capital market to create a way for the next generation. However, all efforts were in vain due to "rampant corruption".

Consequently, "Anti-Corruption" is more important than any technological invention, because scientific and technological inventions will produce results as long as resources and efforts are invested, but corruption will cause all the hard work to be wasted. However, someone recently discussed "Anti-Corruption" at the Obama Forum. This unquenchable fire is bound to spread to the APEC CEO Summit 2024, until corruption is eradicated and pure entrepreneurial space is preserved for the generation to come. Before entering the APEC Summit today, Obama wrote a letter said that "Hi, the work ahead!"--means to continue on our future missionary journey. Indeed, just as the old saying goes: "Virtue never stands alone, but it’s bound to have neighbors!"

Peter Lichang Kuo, the author, who was a representative of the APEC CEO Summit and promoted "EC/ICT/MB/IIA-TES/Anti-corruption..."; and created Taiwan's precision industry in the early years.

Kuo’s Contribution to the World


Kuo, P.L. (2007d). W-shaped Society. Taichung: Panhornic ComMec.

Kuo, P.L. (2022). Open the Way for Next Generation (IV). Kaoshiung: K-Horn Science.

Open the Way for Next Generation

External Links:

https://patents.google.com/patent/US6304796 (VAM)

https://patents.google.com/patent/US20030197061 (Shopping)

http://plckbooks.blogspot.com/2018/08/k-horn-science-inc.html  (K-Horn Science Inc.)

https://khornhb.blogspot.com/2023/10/1011.html (K-Horn Science Inc.)

https://khornhb.blogspot.com/2023/10/1013.html (K-Horn’s Cashless System)



Paving the Way for AI

Tree's Whiskers

K-Horn's PCM